Mia Cucina

Hong Kong Leaders’ Choice 2018

01 Mar 2018

Mia Cucina is honored to be the “Excellent Brand of Kitchen Solution” in the “Hong Kong Leaders’ Choice 2018” organized by Metro Finance FM104, reinforcing its leading position in kitchen solution industry. The award was voted by the judging panel of “Hong Kong Leaders' Choice” comprised corporate reputable leaders and senior management from different industries. Mia Cucina’s commitment to achieving excellence in kitchen cabinets and kitchen appliances’ quality as well as one-stop tailored kitchen solution, can enhance quality of life for Hong Kong residences.

With years of experience in kitchen design project management for large residences, Mia Cucina is proud to provide a series of premier kitchen appliances in these years, including gas dominos, ovens, range hoods, fridge and washer dryer, so as to offer the customers one-stop tailored solution by Towngas professionals and complete the story of great taste with Mia Cucina cabinets.


About Hong Kong Leaders’ Choice

Organized by Metro Finance FM104 since 2007, the judging panel of “Hong Kong Leaders' Choice” comprises reputable leaders and CEOs in town. Thanks to the support and participation from over thousands renowned corporate leaders, the winning brands receive confidence and recognition among industries.