With the use of wood pattern cabinets and beige worktop, this Home Economics classroom generates a pleasant environment for students to experience the joy of gourmet flame cooking. To facilitate teaching and learning, Mia Cucina carefully picks a range of premium appliances, including built-in gas dominos, ovens and range hoods, to submerge themselves in Chinese and Western cuisines with stunning and well-equipped cabinets.

Mia Cucina gas oven features multiple cooking functions to enhance the teaching needs of Home Economics classes, so teachers can have precise time management by using the most suitable modes.

Mia Cucina tastefully combines wooden pattern cabinets with beige worktops to serve a super comfortable cooking ambiance.

Drawers in different sizes are included in the Home Economics classroom to provide adequate and well-sited storage space for teachers and students.

Door panels behind teachers’ desks are specially designed for teaching purposes, which are made of glass, so they can mark down notes for students during cooking demonstrations.

Flame cooking becomes much easier for students by the use of TGC built-in hobs, making them truly enjoy the joy of cooking.