A well-planned cabinetry helps put all corner areas to good use and squeeze in additional storage. Mia Cucina provides the homeowner with ample storage space for cooking utensils and equipment by installing upper and base cabinets along the wall. Simultaneously, it presents a perfect and organized kitchen with clean and neat lines.

TGC Built-in hob gives you the best culinary experience at home!

Glass door and kitchen cabinets with soft palette achieves a greater sense of openness.

Mia Cucina makes good use of the corner by adding small-sized cabinets to create more storage.

Drawers in various sizes and organizers provides abundant storage space for kitchen utensils.

Pull out unit with detachable rack is installed which makes it conveniently to pick up needed items.

A deep and wide single-bowl sink gives you a large space for washing and preparing food.

Mia Cucina kitchen cabinets are made of high quality matte panels imported from Europe.