Mia Cucina presents a light yet modern industrial-chic kitchen with a truly exceptional touch of cold and cavernous by a material mixture of concrete tile floor, cooper stone-textured upper cabinets and black glass backsplash. Not only the built-in gas dominos and range hood, but this compact kitchen is also well-equipped with a full range of appliances, including an oven, washer and gas dryer to fulfill the needs of the homeowner. Besides, ample storage space is carefully planned with cabinets and pull-out baskets. Making good use of the open kitchen layout to extend the side of the base cabinets, it allows the homeowner to store things at ease.

The choice of beige base cabinets further brings a warm touch to the kitchen.

The pull-out basket next to the oven allows users to store their kitchen appliances conveniently.

Mia Cucina built-in hob and oven are essential kitchen appliances with a 3-year free warranty for spare parts.

The unique cooper stone-textured is used as a door panel to lead an industrial vibe.

Installing a TGC gas dryer and Mia Cucina washer to fight against humid weather in Hong Kong.